Veterans' Issues and Elder Care
John Goodman is a fierce advocate for veterans, committed to improving VA dependability by ensuring vets can visit private doctors or their own physicians for treatment without delay or red tape. He supports expanding access to service dogs and PTSD treatment programs—key components of the Increasing Choice ACT—recognizing that those who served deserve comprehensive, flexible care tailored to their needs. For seniors, John pledges to safeguard Social Security as a bedrock of support, refusing to entertain privatization talks that could expose it to political exploitation. His focus is on honoring the sacrifices of veterans and the generation that built America with practical, dependable solutions.
Term Limits
John believes strongly in limiting time served in office to break the cycle of corruption that plagues Washington. He supports term limits to prevent career politicians from entrenching themselves, ensuring fresh perspectives and accountability in the Senate. By ending cyclical corruption, John aims to restore trust in government and prioritize the needs of Illinoisans over special interests. His vision is a Senate that reflects the will of the people, not the ambitions of long-serving insiders.
Justice, Fairness, and Community Safety
John pledges to streamline government by reducing bureaucracy, empowering communities with greater oversight, and removing obstacles that hinder police effectiveness. Drawing on his 12 years in law enforcement, he understands that officers need support to do their jobs well—adequate resources, fair policies, and trust from the public they serve. He rejects blanket restrictions that tie police hands, instead advocating for practical reforms that balance safety and accountability. John will engage with Chicago residents to hear their concerns firsthand, ensuring his Senate votes reflect the real needs of Illinois communities and deliver justice and fairness for all.
Small Business
John views small businesses as the backbone of America and is determined to help them recover and prosper after the challenges of COVID-19. He will work to cut burdensome regulations, opening new opportunities for these enterprises to grow, hire, and innovate. John’s plan includes federal support to re-engage small businesses in Illinois’ economy, ensuring they have the tools to thrive in a competitive world. By fostering an environment where happy employees and satisfied customers drive success, he aims to strengthen the economic foundation that makes communities resilient and prosperous.
Israel/Jewish Issues
John Goodman recognizes the importance of Illinois’ small but vibrant Jewish population and is committed to strengthening its connections—not just within the state, but across the region and nation—to amplify its voice and influence. He supports building a robust donor base by addressing anti-Semitism head-on, using it as a rallying point to unite Illinoisans disillusioned with the Democratic Party. The “Jexit” initiative which welcomes Jewish voters and extends to non-Jews—as a broad coalition focused on shared values of fairness and opportunity, John is a staunch supporter of this movement and has helped them advocate for change. John’s stance is clear: anti-Semitism is unacceptable, and he will champion policies that support Israel and protect Jewish communities while appealing to a wide demographic seeking change.
Spending/Cutting Spending
John supports reducing unnecessary federal spending but stresses the importance of a thoughtful, balanced approach to prevent excessive cuts. He looks to the stability of historical Conservative governance for guidance, valuing the pragmatism of congressional leaders. John will deliberately focus on practical solutions to ensure effective governance, aiming to eliminate waste while preserving essential programs. His priority is to optimize taxpayer funds to support Illinois families, businesses, and veterans regardless of the pressures from special interests to do otherwise. Through this careful strategy, John plans to demonstrate his dedication to managing America’s resources responsibly while achieving tangible benefits for his constituents.